Thursday, January 21, 2016


Theme 1: Robber Barons

Robber Baron was a term applied to a businessman in the 19th century who engaged in unethical and monopolistic practices, had widespread political influence, and amassed enormous wealth. The term itself dated back centuries, and was originally applied to noblemen in the Middle Ages who functioned as feudal warlords and were literally “robber barons.” These robber barons were fairly common during the gilded age as several of these dishonest, almost gangsters, if you will.
An example of this would be J.P Morgan, who was known for making controversial business decisions.


J.P Morgan was known for making controversial business decisions

What is Robber Baron?

Jay Gould was one of the first, and most prominent robber barons in the late 19th century

A direct result of these robber barons was the development of the Sherman Anti-trust laws

Theme 2: Labor Unions

Workers organized the first large American labor unions during the Gilded Age. Workers were finally fighting over the workplace in an attempt to claim their ownership of the companies.


The Railway Strike of 1877, which created much tension between the tycoons at the top and the workers on the bottom.

The Evolution of The Union is a tough battle for equal working rights and equal pay.

J.P Morgan Battled Labor unions constantly, as seen in the following video.

Chicago Anarchists

Theme 3: Muckrakers

Muckrakers were basically the liberal media at this time. Their main goal was to expose the hard interior of politics and the corruption that took place in all forms of the then modern age of journalism and mass media.


Excerpt from MuckRacker Upton Sinclair's The Jungle

Lincoln Steffens

Ida Tarbell VS Rockefeller

Ida B. Wells and the exposition of Southern Racism

Theme 4: Modern Innovation

As the 19th century came to a close, new ways of thought and production were created, and refined. This led to some of the most mind-blowing changes in society that are still marveled at to this day for their simplicity, design, and innovation.


Transcontinental Railroad

Montgomery Ward begins first mail order

Telephone invented

The Photos From the Guilded Age

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